Aboriginal Healing Program

Weave's Aboriginal Healing Program encompasses our Aboriginal Healing Framework and Aboriginal Cultural Engagement
Over 70% of all those we support across Weave are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. As a non-Aboriginal controlled organisation, Weave is strongly committed to walking alongside Aboriginal people in their ongoing fight for justice and self-determination. We have a responsibility to ensure our service delivery and all levels of our operations as an organisation are culturally safe, trauma-informed and healing-centred.
Our Aboriginal Healing Program focuses on long-term and sustainable healing outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients through the facilitation of cultural engagement opportunities and through practising and operating in alignment with the Aboriginal Healing Framework.
Aboriginal Healing Framework
Weave’s Aboriginal Healing Framework is a component of the Aboriginal Healing Program, and guides the ongoing development and implementation of healing-centred practice across our organisation, and ensures that at every level, our organisation operates in a way that is healing-centred and trauma-informed.
Our Aboriginal Healing Framework is comprised of 6 unique but interdependent domains:
- Welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients into our spaces
- Organisational structure and human resources
- The development of a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
- Programs, community development and social change
- Community engagements and partnerships
- Direct practice
Through these domains, the Framework guides how we provide our services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and our local communities, as well as how we nurture and grow our Aboriginal staff group. Together, the Aboriginal Cultural Engagement and Aboriginal Healing Framework components of the Aboriginal Healing Program seek to create genuine and sustainable healing outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
Aboriginal Cultural Engagement
Aboriginal Cultural Engagement (ACE) sits under the umbrella of Weave’s Aboriginal Healing Program. ACE is our front-facing, client centred program that has been designed to specifically support Weave’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients, families and local communities, to connect and strengthen their relationship with culture, whether it’s exploring their family tree, learning more about where they’re from, connecting with other Aboriginal people/mob and going on Country and/or cultural camps.
The purpose of the program is to:
- Create and facilitate healing-centred practices for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and their communities
- Develop and deliver cultural engagement activities and programs to respond to clients and local needs, ensuring they are delivered in a culturally safe and effective way, in accordance with principles of self-determination.
- Facilitate clients’ connection to Country and to other Aboriginal people who can share knowledge and experiences
Our Aboriginal Cultural Engagement team are currently holding Yarn, Tea & Tucker on Wednesdays at Weave. Find the details here.
Artwork by Karlie Stewart.
Youth Advocates Program
Our Youth Advocate and Leadership Program aims to increase the involvement of young people in the design and implementation of youth-led projects, have a voice regarding issues they feel passionate about, and give them the opportunity to lead change in their communities.

Our Youth Advocates group work on projects and campaigns that highlight the voices and perspectives of young people in the community
Practical Development
On a practical level, the program provides help with:
- Professional development training: Such as public speaking, event management and offering access to information on job opportunities.
- Paid work experience: Including community events, youth group workshops and consultation participation.
Weave Women & Children's Centre
Weave Women & Children's Centre offers a supportive and holistic service. This includes intensive casework support for women and children, parenting education groups, Victims Services counselling and specialist case management for women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
We work from a strengths-based perspective, with a focus on family relationships and child wellbeing.

Weave Women & Children’s Centre Open Day
On Thursday 4th August we held our Women & Children’s Centre Open Day on Gadigal Land in Waterloo to celebrate our new and improved space! It was so special to have such an amazing turn out to see our new, improved space and hear more about our work.
This space is for women and children. Every detail has been designed and considered with our clients and community as the focus and with a commitment to creating a place that makes people feel safe, calm and supported. This is a space that our women and children deserve. Our
We aim to:
- Offer a safe and welcoming space for women and children
- Support women to identify and build upon their strengths
- Ensure the safety of women and their children
- Support women to make positive life choices and engage in healthy relationships
- Reduce vulnerability factors, such as homelessness, domestic violence and drug and alcohol issues, and child protection risks
"Now I’m a lot stronger. Weave’ve built me up so that now if something was to happen I would know what to do."
- Weave client
Staying Home Leaving Violence
This program aims to support women living in the Redfern Local Area Command and surrounding areas to leave violent relationships and stay in their own home where possible, or relocate to safe accommodation, by providing casework, court support, safety planning and brokerage to fund security upgrades.
Our domestic violence caseworkers can see women in our centre or visit their homes to provide safety assessments as well as accompanying them to police stations and courts. Childcare is available by appointment for women coming to the centre for casework – bookings are essential.
Our Weave Women and Children’s Centre team and clients discuss domestic violence support.
Number of women supported through the Targeted Early Intervention Wellbeing and Safety Program in 2022 - 2023
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients 2022 - 2023
Number of women supported through the Staying Home Leaving Violence Program with intensive casework and security upgrades 2022 - 2023
Number of clients supported through Victims Services Counselling 2021 - 2022

Find Us
Open Monday to Thursday 9am – 4:30pm and Fridays by appointment.
Phone: 02 9699 9036
Address: Gadigal Land, 133 Morehead Street, Waterloo NSW 2017

We are deeply grateful to the Sydney Women’s Fund for their generous support for our domestic violence work at our Weave Women & Children’s Centre.
Weave Woolloomooloo
Established in 2016.
Weave Woolloomooloo is a vibrant youth centre located on Gadigal Land in the heart of Woolloomooloo. It is a welcoming and safe space for young community members and young families from the area and surrounding suburbs, providing case management for young people aged 12 to 24 and young families with children in their care aged under 12, with priority given to people living in Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross and Darlinghurst.
Weave Woolloomooloo also offers creative and innovative youth-led projects, events and groups that meet the needs of young people and build the capacity and cohesion of the community.
Weave Woolloomooloo provides the following support, with priority given to people living in Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross and Darlinghurst:
- Case management to young people aged 12 to 24 and families with children under 12 years old, in their care
- Creative and innovative youth-led projects, events and groups that meet the needs of young people and build the capacity and cohesion of the community
- Play therapy for children aged 5 to 12 and creative therapies for young people 12 to 25 years old.
- Tutoring please click here
“I felt like being supported by Weave has been life changing and I’ve been telling all of my friends that they should come to Weave because of the difference it has made to my life. I feel so comfortable coming here now and I know all the team and they know me.”
– Weave Woolloomooloo client
Find Us
Weave Woolloomooloo is funded by the Department of Communities and Justice under the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) Program, which means that our service delivery focus needs to be on casework support for children and young people, young parents and Aboriginal young people and families as well as some youth and community engagement activities.
Weave Woolloomooloo is open Tuesday – Friday
Phone: 02 9331 2153
Address: Gadigal Land | 49 McElhone Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011
Tutoring Program
Our Tutoring Program was established in 2009, in response to the increasing number of children and young people needing extra support and guidance with their school work.
Our Tutoring Program is a free service offered to families in our communities who experience financial hardships.
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to make this tutoring program possible for families like mine. Now that we have you I don't know what we would do without it!”
- Tutoring parent
Educational Support
Our volunteer tutors assist children and young people with:
- Core Maths, Science, and English subjects
- Transition to high school
- Higher School Certificate preparation
- Basic reading and writing for children and young people with low levels of literacy
Priority Areas
Students come from many walks of life. Our program prioritises students who fall into any of the following criteria:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- Culturally and linguistically diverse
- Refugee status or background
- Migrant and/or asylum seeker
- Lives in social housing
- Single parent family
- Parents/Carers possess a Centrelink health card or Pension Card

Tutoring Students 2022 - 2023
Volunteer Tutors 2022 - 2023
Our Tutors
Our tutors are volunteers recruited from within the community who feel passionate about education and supporting children to feel confident at school. They have a strong academic background, and a commitment to have a positive impact on the lives of children and young people.
Get involved
Sessions are held from Monday to Thursday from 3:30pm – 6pm at the Waterloo Library & on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 – 6pm at Weave Woolloomooloo.
Creating Futures Justice Program
Many people leaving the prison system aren’t equipped to deal with the challenges of modern life. Sadly, all too frequently, many people who had served prison terms were turning up on our doorstep wearing their prison greens with no clue of where else to go, or how to navigate the world in front of them.
Creating Futures was established in response to community needs and developed to address the over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system. The program is designed to help and empower Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people who have recently been released from prison, and give them every chance to create a positive future for themselves.
When we’re ready to make them steps... y’know, they’re here. The power’s always with you. It’s never like you feel you are being led. It’s always the decisions you make, and they just assist you getting there.
- Creating Futures Client
A guided 12-month journey of transition
As part of the program, we equip people with a structured 12-month plan which includes bail, pre and post-release support, plus diversionary options. We believe that, by connecting with people 12 weeks before their release, we can significantly increase their chances of successfully integrating back into the community.
Our team provides practical support in the following ways:
- Obtaining essential identification documentation
- Setting up bank accounts
- Organising referrals to specialised services
- Ensuring our clients can access cultural health and wellbeing initiatives
Number of clients supported through intensive casework 2022 - 2023
Clients currently active
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients
4.11% re-offending rate
compared with the NSW average rate of 57.3% for Aboriginal people aged 18-30 (Source: Creating Futures Evaluation 2020).
Creating Futures Independent Evaluation Report
Cultural Health & Wellbeing Camp
In August 2018, we co-facilitated the first Cultural Health & Wellbeing Camp – Walu-Win Gundyarri, providing young Indigenous men with the opportunity to reconnect with themselves and their culture.
“Being out here and learning culture and learning, and being away from phone reception and cities and being away from so many people, you gain a headspace where you learn who you are and who you want to be.” – Uncle Waylon, Wakagetti Indigenous Corporation

Find Us
Open Monday to Friday 9:30am – 5pm.
Phone: 02 9318 0539
Address: Weave HQ, Waterloo | Gadigal Land | Corner Elizabeth & Allen Streets, Waterloo, NSW, 2017
Artwork created by local Aboriginal artist, Linda Jackson.
Driving Change Program
Many people face barriers and challenges when it comes to obtaining a driver’s licence. Not having a licence can be a major setback in a young person’s life, making it harder to find employment and holding them back from educational and social opportunities.
Weave’s Driving Change program aims to help people to overcome these barriers, achieve their licensing goals and open up new opportunities in their lives.
"It’s not just a license to drive, it’s a license to live."
- Mick Gooda, Royal Commissioner for the Royal Commission into the Child Protection and Youth Detention Systems of the Northern Territory
Our Driving Change participants, volunteers and team members speak about their experience with the program.
Program Details
Getting your L’s: We can help you study for and take you to the Driver Knowledge Test. We can also help with the cost of the test.
Instructors: Driving Change has professional driving instructors who can provide professional lessons to Driving Change participants.
Cars: We have automatic and manual vehicles for our professional lessons.
If you do not have access to a roadworthy car to practice driving, you can borrow one of these cars, if you have someone who is willing to teach you to drive using our vehicle. If you choose to bring your own driver, they need to be over 25 and have a full NSW drivers licence and a be willing to obtain a Working with Children Check.
Please note:
We are currently not accepting applications for driving with a volunteer to gain experience on the road and help people under the age of 25 to get their 120 logbook hours due to an extensive waitlist.
However, we encourage you to fill in the application form if you meet the criteria above and need help with:
- Getting your Ls: We can help you study for the Driver Knowledge Test and can help with the cost of the test
OR - Instructors: We can help with professional driving instructors who can provide up to 5 professions lessons to get ready for your driving test
OR - Cars: We can help with automatic and manual cars for you to drive with if you have your own fully licensed driver over 25 years to drive with our cars.
Clients supported in 2022 - 2023
People supported to take their L's and P's tests in 2022 - 2023
Total number of driving hours 2022 - 2023
Hours spent with our volunteers in 2022 - 2023

One of our Driving Change participants with her volunteer driving instructor.
Due to requirements from our funding body, Transport for NSW (TfNSW), the details entered on this site will be shared with TfNSW through their secured database. If you would like further information on what details will be collected and why, please click one of the following links:
Speak Out Dual Diagnosis Program
Established in 1997, Weave’s Speak Out Dual Diagnosis Program works with adolescents and young adults aged 12-28 years experiencing co-existing mental health, alcohol and other drug challenges to provide practical and therapeutic support.
Speak Out works with young people (aged 12-28) with co-occurring mental health and alcohol and drug-related challenges. This is important, as many young people miss out on vital supports when services are only equipped to respond to one (not both) of the co-existing challenges.
Speak Out uses a holistic model of care that responds to the issues that young people identify as their priorities. Support for achieving mental health, alcohol and drug outcomes is woven into the overall program of support, which can also include support around housing, justice system engagement, employment and education, family relationships, and social and cultural connection.
Weave’s Speak Out Program recently undertook an external evaluation To read the Executive Summary of the Evaluation Report, prepared by Hecate Consulting, please click here.
Some key findings from the evaluation include:
- That Speak Out addresses a critical need in the local community, and is especially important given the paucity of other services providing integrated, holistic support for young people aged up to 28 years with co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol challenges.
- The model and the practice of Speak Out is consistent with research and guidelines on good practice when working with people with co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol challenges.
- The program is particularly remarkable for its ability to engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and to provide them with culturally safe and effective support.
“I’ve never, I’ve never felt more comfortable, welcomed, listened to than being in this program. They value our voice and they value our opinion.”- Speak Out client
- Weave client
What is dual diagnosis?
Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe someone who is experiencing both mental health and substance use issues. Some examples include:
- A mental health issue that leads to alcohol and/or other drug use
- Substance use issues that affects mental health and wellbeing
Our pioneering program, which won the award for Excellence in Community Drug Treatment at the NADA Awards in 2016, continues to deliver responsive, holistic, effective support to young people experiencing dual diagnosis, helping them deal with practical issues and receive trauma informed care.
The program offers opportunities for people to experiences themselves differently and engage in creative projects, events and group work programs — this gives young people the chance to build relationships, and connect with themselves, and the broader community.
Number of clients supported through intensive casework and counselling 2022 - 2023
Clients supported through Drug Health Outreach Counselling 2022 - 2023
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients
Award Winners
Our Weave Youth Advocates on an award at the Betty Makin Youth Awards for Mad Pride in the category: "Individuals or groups who have made significant contributions in the past year to assist in building positive mental health or connection with their community through creative means"
Providing Trauma-Informed Care: A Weave Case Study for the NSW Mental Health Commission
Find Us
Open Monday to Friday 9:30am – 5pm.
Phone: 02 9318 0539
Address: Weave HQ, Waterloo | Gadigal Land | Corner Elizabeth & Allen Streets, Waterloo, NSW, 2017
Weave Kool Kids Program
For over 20 years, Weave’s Kool Kids Program has provided consistent, trusted support and genuine care to the children, families and communities we walk alongside.
Weave Kool Kids Program works with children, young people and families who face complex social issues such as poverty, family breakdown and mental health issues that are symptomatic of the impacts of systemic disadvantage and intergenerational trauma. 88% of the children and young people who are part of the Weave Kool Kids Program are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and the program is grounded in holistic practice that supports Aboriginal people on their individual and collective healing journeys.
“Weave Kool Kids Program has put so much support into my life and has made me feel more powerful and I feel like I have worth in this world.”
- Weave Kool Kids Program participant
Focused on resilience & wellbeing
Weave Kool Kids Program provides long-term connection to positive relationships, and support for children to learn, grow and develop together with their peers in their community. Through Weave Kool Kids, children and young people engage in fun, skills-based activities that highlight their strengths, improve social and emotional wellbeing, foster respect and nurture resilience.
At Weave Kool Kids Program, every child has the opportunity to:
- Engage in recreational activities like overnight camps, bushwalking, rock climbing, and cultural excursions
- Work closely with our Advocates to improve their social health and wellbeing
- Build a stronger connection to their culture
- Foster strength and resilience in every area of life
Weave Kool Kids Namatjira Program
“Nama is hands down one of my favourite programs. There are a lot of kids that are staying inside, we’re here trying to encourage them to get outside, run around, be active. I just want them to be themselves, be the kids they need to be and also create a safe space for them to come into.” – Beau Foster, Kool Kids Support Worker
Number of participants supported through Weave Kool Kids Program 2022 - 2023
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients
Number of Switch Leaders supported through Weave Kool Kids Program 2022 - 2023
Number of children supported through Therapeutic Mentoring 2022 - 2023
Weave Kool Kids Program
Weave Kool Kids programs run Monday to Thursday from 3pm – 6pm, with our Kool Kids bus collecting students from schools throughout our district.
Address: 1B Prince Edward St, Malabar | Bidjigal Land
Phone: 0420 531 699
The Weave Kool Kids Program is not in any way connected to or associated with Macquarie University or the Macquarie University program known as Cool Kids.