Weave's Aboriginal Healing Program encompasses our Aboriginal Healing Framework and Aboriginal Cultural Engagement
Over 70% of all those we support across Weave are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. As a non-Aboriginal controlled organisation, Weave is strongly committed to walking alongside Aboriginal people in their ongoing fight for justice and self-determination. We have a responsibility to ensure our service delivery and all levels of our operations as an organisation are culturally safe, trauma-informed and healing-centred.
Our Aboriginal Healing Program focuses on long-term and sustainable healing outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients through the facilitation of cultural engagement opportunities and through practising and operating in alignment with the Aboriginal Healing Framework.
Aboriginal Healing Framework
Weave’s Aboriginal Healing Framework is a component of the Aboriginal Healing Program, and guides the ongoing development and implementation of healing-centred practice across our organisation, and ensures that at every level, our organisation operates in a way that is healing-centred and trauma-informed.
Our Aboriginal Healing Framework is comprised of 6 unique but interdependent domains:
- Welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients into our spaces
- Organisational structure and human resources
- The development of a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
- Programs, community development and social change
- Community engagements and partnerships
- Direct practice
Through these domains, the Framework guides how we provide our services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and our local communities, as well as how we nurture and grow our Aboriginal staff group. Together, the Aboriginal Cultural Engagement and Aboriginal Healing Framework components of the Aboriginal Healing Program seek to create genuine and sustainable healing outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
Aboriginal Cultural Engagement
Aboriginal Cultural Engagement (ACE) sits under the umbrella of Weave’s Aboriginal Healing Program. ACE is our front-facing, client centred program that has been designed to specifically support Weave’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients, families and local communities, to connect and strengthen their relationship with culture, whether it’s exploring their family tree, learning more about where they’re from, connecting with other Aboriginal people/mob and going on Country and/or cultural camps.
The purpose of the program is to:
- Create and facilitate healing-centred practices for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and their communities
- Develop and deliver cultural engagement activities and programs to respond to clients and local needs, ensuring they are delivered in a culturally safe and effective way, in accordance with principles of self-determination.
- Facilitate clients’ connection to Country and to other Aboriginal people who can share knowledge and experiences
Our Aboriginal Cultural Engagement team are currently holding Yarn, Tea & Tucker on Wednesdays at Weave. Find the details here.
Artwork by Karlie Stewart.