On 6 June 2016, we attended the NSW Non-Government Alcohol and Other Drugs Awards hosted by the Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA). We are very proud to announce that our Speak Out Team was awarded the Excellence in Treatment Award, recognising excellence and innovation in treatment to reduce alcohol and drug-related harms.
Our Speak Out Dual Diagnosis team work with adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 28 years who experience mental health and alcohol and other drug challenges. Around 70% of our clients are Aboriginal young people and most have experienced complex trauma and multiple disadvantages. Weave’s long-term model of support and genuine commitment to the community has built trust, and we have a track record of working in a culturally safe and respectful way. The program is not about changing people, but supporting people to make positive changes in their lives. It is for these reasons that we work in a holistic, person-centred, strengths-based and trauma informed way. This model ensures we remain innovative, forward-thinking, creative and dynamic.
Our staff understand the importance of long-term and integrated care. They are committed to offering a diverse range of programs including casework and counselling support, cultural and nature camps, social group, art and media programs, youth advocacy and leadership opportunities, gardening programs and sports. Young people are able to give back through community projects and this is very empowering for them.
We know that a little bit of the right kind of help at the right time goes a long way. The resilience and strength of the young people we work with inspires us every day.
To support the success of our Speak Out program please donate.