You have the right:
- To be respected and valued
- To confidentiality
- To safety
- To receive support and assistance
- To make a complaint
You have a responsibility:
- To respect staff, other service users, the building and property
- To behave in a non-violent way. For example, no swearing, hitting, verbal abuse, threats, throwing objects, shouting, spitting, teasing or bullying
- To behave responsibly in the space, e.g. no tagging, no wasting resources
- To respect other people’s personal space: No crowding or intimidating people.
- To behave in a non-discriminatory way, e.g. treat people respectfully regardless of cultural, background, gender, sexuality, age, ability etc.
WEAVE is a safe place for everyone
- Show respect for yourself and each other; be kind to each other
- Respect the building and its contents
- Communicate respectfully; use a friendly tone of voice and try not to swear. Never direct swearing at others
- Anyone who is at school is not allowed access to the service until 3pm, unless accompanied by a worker or during school holidays. Access to drop-in area from 2.30pm during school holidays.
- People with a worker or an appointment are welcome in the office spaces.
- Computers are available primarily for young people all day and do not need to be booked. After 3pm young people need to share computers with others
- Computers will lock automatically at 4.50pm so save your work
- Please, only small numbers of young people in the communal areas at any time.
- Phone calls can only be made with staff permission and usually only one non-casework related call per person per day
- Upstairs access with a staff member only
- This is a smoke-free building, including outdoor areas and upstairs
- Public toilets are available on the side of our building
- Oz Harvest provides us with delicious free food, which is kept in the fridge in the building’s entry area, next to the computers. Please clean up after yourself and consider everybody’s enjoyment of this great service