In August 2018, we co-facilitated the first Walu-Win Gundyarri (Healthy Spirit) Cultural Health & Wellbeing Camp, providing young Indigenous men with the opportunity to reconnect with themselves and their culture.
Delivered in partnership with

“Being out here and learning culture and learning, and being away from phone reception and cities and being away from so many people, you gain a headspace where you learn who you are and who you want to be.” – Uncle Waylon, Wakagetti Indigenous Corporation
Connecting with culture and heritage
Over three days, the group engaged in a tailored program addressing issues impacting health and wellbeing and gained knowledge and experience of Aboriginal culture, history, identity and healing.
The group visited sacred sites, learnt traditional dances, went fishing and importantly had honest conversations about the impact of trauma, substance use, and better ways of coping and suicide prevention.
On the last night, our young Indigenous men joined the Wakagetti Indigenous Corporation for a corroboree.
“When we dance we dance for our mother (earth), we connect to the spirit of the old people, the same dances handed down, we connect to country — the importance of dance is showing our respect to the old people, the animals and those who have gone before us.”
– Joe Williams, The Enemy Within
Walu-Win Gundyarri
This powerful opportunity to connect with their culture, history and traditional healing helped these young Indigenous men to better understand themselves and the world around them.
It is our hope that this initiative of our Creating Futures Justice Program inspires them to stay out of the judicial system and improves their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
The camp had a profound impact on all who attended, and more experiences like this are needed moving forward.
All photography and videography by Benny Edwards, BC Films.
Empowering People to Change Their Lives
For over 40 years Weave has provided a way up and a way forward for children, young people, women, families and communities.